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5 Killer SEO Tips for Google Blogger or Blogspot Blogs

5 SEO tips for google blogger to get 1st-page position on the google search engine.

Before learning these tips first understand

What is Blogger?

Google Blogger is a like a website where you can post you content and publish it.Google Blogger is free and easy to use web publishing tool. Many bloggers initially use Blogger and then Migrate to WordPress complaining about the lack of official templates, post SEO friendliness, plugins, etc., We have already discussed this in our previous post with the little effort we can make Blogger posts SEO friendly and an effective free medium for online business. So here I have collected some search engine optimization (SEO) tips for Blogspot blogs arranged in no order.

5 Killer SEO tips for Google Blogger

1. Meta Title

Meta Title is very important factor for good SEO.Blogger post title is usually followed by home page title.


replace it with below code

<b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;">
Now this code will take your post title as meta title for each post.

Keep your title tags within 59 characters. Google considers 50-59 characters in search result.

2. Meta Description

Enable Meta Description for Blogger by Adding Meta Description for Home Page:

  1. On your blog’s Dashboard; go to your Settings > Search preferences > Meta tags > Description and click the Edit link.
  2. Click the ‘Yes’ radio button.
  3. Enter the meta description for your blog. This will appear on your homepage and other multi-post pages.
  4. Click ‘Save Changes’ button.

Adding Meta Description to Each Blogger Posts and Pages

After doing the above you will see some change in your post or page editor. You will see a search description option. So; for adding meta description to each blogger posts and pages follow these steps:

  1. On blogger dashboard click ‘Posts’; then select a post to edit or create a new post. For adding meta dashboard in a page go to ‘Pages’ tag and select a page to edit or create a new one.
  2. Click on ‘Search Description’ option under Post settings. It will not appear unless you have followed and executed Step-1.
  3. Enter the meta description for the post and click ‘Done’.

You have to go edit each post manually for adding meta description in older posts.

Now paste the below code within head tags to use different description for each post.

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template; click ‘Edit Template’.
  2. Find <head> and paste the following code just before it.

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> 

    3. Click ‘Save template’.

3. Image Optimization

Image SEO optimization is one of the building blocks of on page optimization. Images are a strong visual component of a webpage.
The most important Image Optimization factors include the alt tag, title tag, image size, image name and image linking.

Use online Tools for Image Compression.Image Compression help to reduce image size and decrease the blog loading speed.

4. Social Media Sharing

Though social shares are always a controversial factor of boosting your search engine rankings, they for sure will help you to rank higher on Google. The more the number of social shares, the more is the referral traffic which in return means more authority and ultimately higher rankings.

1. Add Social Sharing Buttons on Blog
2. Reshare Content
3. Post to Online Communities
4. Add a Floating Social Media Widget
5. Join Forums.

Sharing blog posts on your brand’s social channels can help draw in new readers for your blog and offer more value for your existing followers. If you can’t think of ways how to promote your blog beyond sharing links, here are a few more ideas.

5. Meta Keyword

Blogspot blogs offer HTML editing so you can insert a “meta” keyword tag directly into the blog’s code. Adding a keyword tag is one way to help search engines categorize your blog’s content and can be part of your search engine optimization strategy. The keyword tag tells search engine robots the words and phrases that are relevant to your blog, so include search terms that match your business’s products and services.

Steps to add Keywords in blog:

1. Sign in to your Blogger account.

2. Click on your blog’s title and click “Template.”

3. Click “Edit Html" and a pop-up window will appear.

4. Click the “Proceed” button.

5. Locate the “head” tag, which is usually found in the first several lines of HTML code.

6. Insert <meta name="keywords" content="first keyword, second keyword, third keyword" /> under the “head” tag to define your keywords. In the “content” attribute, type your keywords between the quotation marks and separate them with commas followed by a single space. Keywords can be single words, or a short phrase of two or three words. Include three to five keywords that are relevant to your blog.

7. Click “Save Template” to apply the changes and click “Close.”

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